Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cambria Hebert's 'Torch' Cover Reveal


Title: Torch
Series: Take It Off (A sexy series of stand alone novels all in the new adult contemporary genre)
Genre: New Adult Contemporary
Author: Cambria Hebert
Published By: Cambria Hebert
Release Date: August 23, 2013
Format: Ebook and Paperback

**Note: this book is a New adult book which contains graphic language and sexual content. This book is NOT intended for young adult readers. Recommended for ages 18+**

If you can’t take the heat… stay away from the flame.
Katie Parks has been on her own since the age of fifteen. All she’s ever wanted is a place to call her own—a life that iswholly hers that no one can take away. She thought she finally had it, but with the strike of a single match, everything she worked so hard for is reduced to a pile of smoking ashAnd she almost is too.
Now she’s being stalked by someone who’s decided it’s her time to die. The only thing standing in the path of her blazing death is sexy firefighter Holt Arkain.
Katie’s body might be safe with Holt… but her heart is another story.
As the danger heats up, sparks fly and the only thing Katieknows for sure is that her whole life is about to go up in flames.
About Author:
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormalHeven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting
Follow her on Twitter:
Cambria’s website:

Marysue G. Hobika's 'Summer Love' Book Blitz: Interview and Two Giveaways

Summer Love by Marysue G. Hobika
Series: Senior Year #1
Publication date: June 2013
Genre: New Adult Contemporary

Carly and her best friend Becca are ready to drop a nuclear bomb on summer. It’s the last one before reality sets in and they’re off on their own. Carly is ready to break the mold and stop being known as a goody-two-shoes. In order to get the ball rolling, she agrees to a double date with Gavin – her good-looking, yet moody, lab partner.

Gavin doesn’t have summer plans except to work at his two jobs and hang out in his room drawing. He likes to keep to himself, but lets his brother Nate talk him into going on a double date. Carly isn’t like the rest of the girls at school that drive him crazy. She doesn’t ask a lot of questions and seems to know when to give him the space he craves. Gavin always thought that she was beautiful, but he believes that relationships and love are a lost cause.

Will their date prove that summer love is right around the corner or will it be a dead end?

This book is intended for audiences 17+

Purchase: Amazon

1. What is your latest news?
“Summer Love” was published July 8, 2013. It’s the first book in the series “Senior Year.” A lot of hard work went into it and I am truly excited about its release. I believe it is my best work so far. I have already begun writing book two.
2. What inspired you to write this book?
I have always wanted to write a series. The summer before senior year seemed like the perfect beginning point. Who doesn’t love summer and the freedom it brings?
3. How did you come up with the title?
The word summer had to be in the title. I toyed around with a few possibilities and took some polls—“Summer Love” was the clear winner.
All of the titles in the series will center around a season. The next book is, “Falling Into You.”
4. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Yes and No. I chose a four-year-old girl that I know and imagined what she’ll be like when she’s seventeen years old and then plopped her in the middle of a situation. Also I incorporated pieces of my own daughter. She loves to sing and I could easily imagine her joining a band someday or working toward a music degree. In the end, the characters are of my own creation and imagination.
5. If Hollywood made your book into a movie who would you cast as the leads?
This is one of my favorite questions—to think people would love my book enough to want to turn it into a movie.
I would choose Vanessa Hudgens to play Carly. She is beautiful and perfect for the role. My ideal Gavin would be Landon Liboiron. He is super cute and has brilliant blue eyes that look like the water in the Bahamas (just like Gavin’s eyes are described in “Summer Love”.)
6. Coffee or tea?
Coffee all the way. Once upon a time, I was an exchange student in Spain where I fell in love with all things Spanish, including coffee.  I loved meeting friends “para tomar un café.”
7. If you could wear your pajamas all day, would you? Why or why not?
Of course, I would. And many times I do, especially when I’m writing.
8. What’s your favorite dessert?
Ice cream. I would eat it every day if I could. During the summer I love visiting all the different local ice cream stands and sampling all the delicious flavors.

Waiting on Wednesday #7

"Waiting on" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating
My choice this week is The Fiery Heart (Bloodlines #4) by Richelle Mead.
Pub. November 19, 2013
Goodreads Description:
In The Indigo Spell, Sydney was torn between the Alchemist way of life and what her heart and gut were telling her to do. And in one breathtaking moment that Richelle Mead fans will never forget, she made a decision that shocked even her. . . .

But the struggle isn't over for Sydney. As she navigates the aftermath of her life-changing decision, she still finds herself pulled in too many directions at once. Her sister Zoe has arrived, and while Sydney longs to grow closer to her, there's still so much she must keep secret. Working with Marcus has changed the way she views the Alchemists, and Sydney must tread a careful path as she harnesses her profound magical ability to undermine the way of life she was raised to defend. Consumed by passion and vengeance, Sydney struggles to keep her secret life under wraps as the threat of exposure—and re-education—looms larger than ever.

Pulses will race throughout this thrilling fourth installment in the New York Times bestselling Bloodlines series, where no secret is safe.
 What book are you looking forward to?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Olivia Rivers's 'Tone Deaf' Cover Reveal

Title: Tone Deaf
Genre: New Adult Romance
Age Group: 16+
Release Date: November 4th, 2013
His world is music…
…Her world is silent.
Ali Blinde was a prodigy destined to become one of the greatest musicians of the 21st century.
Until the brain tumor struck.
Now seventeen, Ali lives in a soundless world where she gets by with ASL and lip-reading. So when she meets Jace Beckett, she thinks he’s her worst nightmare come true. Jace is the lead singer in the wildly-popular band, Tone Deaf, and he’s exactly the kind of success-story Ali hates and resents.  
Nineteen-year-old Jace has it all: fame, money, and any girl he wants. Every night on tour brings a new performance and a new girl, which is just what he needs to avoid the pain of relationships.  
But when Jace learns Ali is being abused, he reluctantly proposes a solution: Run away with him and his band as they tour the country. With freedom in sight, Ali takes the offer. Immediately, she’s swept into a world filled with wild punk music, wilder musicians, and maybe—just maybe—love.
Author Bio:

Olivia Rivers is the author of six novels, ranging in genres from Epic Fantasy to Contemporary Romance. Along with being a writer, she’s a freelance digital artist, a literary agent assistant, and a high school student.  She’s a nerd at heart, and is a hopeless fan-girl for Doctor Who and Arrested Development. Olivia lives in California with a dog who thinks he’s a cat, a cat who thinks he’s a dog, and a kitten who is just generally confused.


Judyann McCole's 'Adela Arthur and the Creator's Clock' Blog Tour: Excerpt

Title: Adela Arthur & The Creator’s Clock
Author: Judyann McCole
Genre: Fantasy
To Who Ever This May Concern;
I wish I could tell you the contents of this book were purely fictional. That I, Adela Arthur, was just a normal sixteen year old from Portland and that dragons, giants, elves and mermaids were just myths.  I wish these were legends shared from crazy old grandparents to crazy old grandparents around campfires. After all, that is what I used to believe.
I never would have thought they lived on the other side of our mirrors in a world called Cielieu. But they do…
I never would have thought there were humans, better known asVolsin that lived among them with the ability to create light from a single thought.  But there are…
I never would have thought I was one of them… But I am…
I am the last Arthur and I was brought to the human world after a Volsin, filled with greed, began to strip the light from our kind.
The human world was supposed to be a safe haven… but he’s found us and the only way to stop him is to go back to Cielieuand begin training as a student in the Elpida Castle of Light.
Like I said I wish the contents of this book were purely fictional and not my life…
Author Bio:
JUDYANN MCCOLE was a senior in high school when she started working on Adela Arthur and the Creator’s Clock during her history class. It started off as short story for a group of young kids she babysat for and grew into an adventure she herself wanted to go on. She is currently attending college in Virginia.Where she hopes to finish the next adventure in Adela Arthur’s life. She begin writing when she was in middle school most of it was just simple poetry but she was inspired by Maya Angelou and even a little of Dr. Seuss.
She ran because she had no other choice. She feared what would happen if she dared to stop. There was no time to think. There was barely any time for her to breathe. On her broken ankle, she ran. With her bruised arms, she ran. With her bleeding sides, she ran because she knew today was the day she was meant to die.
Her bare feet, covered with everything from wet dirt to dried, dead leaves to cold ice, took her farther into the forest. She jumped over the dark fallen log, not caring that the bottom of her pants snagged on the tip of it. She went on, running deeper, running faster, trying not to think. Thinking would stop her. Thinking would make her want to survive. Thinking would cause her to fight, and today she could not fight. She heard the screeches; she had seen their dark eyes. They were confirming what she already knew in her heart to be true. Today was the day she was meant to die.
Snow fell gently on her like small glimpses of hope. She loved the snow. But even today it, too, was against her. It knew. It blanketed the ground and froze her to her core. She slowed, but she didn’t stop running. Slowing was a mistake, though. Now she could feel the fatigue as it crept up inside her. She could feel the pain as it came into her ankle like burning knives slicing away at her. As the screeches rang through the forest, they too chilled her. Whether she slowed or not, she was meant to die today.
However, she had one choice, one option. What was to be her final ground? She had the choice of where she could die and it wasn’t going to be here. It wasn’t going to be in the depths of the dark forest. It would not be fatigue, or hunger, or even the evil creatures that dwelled inside that forest. She couldn’t die here. It wasn’t good enough.
She ran, but again her pace slowed. What a fatal flaw that was, for now she tripped over the root of a skillful hidden tree. Her body hit the iced-over, snow-covered ground, adding even more injuries to her collection. She touched her lip; seeing her blood on her hands shocked her, stilling her. She was bleeding everywhere, but for some reason that blood was what stilled her. That was her final fatal flaw because now she stopped running. Running had calmed her and now that was gone. A dry sob broke through her lips before the tears came. They broke so quickly they burned, blinding her.
She could think now. She knew to what her actions would lead. She knew she could hurt them all. But it had to be done; it was the only thing left to do. They would hate her. They wouldn’t understand. They would have told her there was another way, but there wasn’t. There just wasn’t. They wished for it to be innocent, clean, easy—but it couldn’t be. She knew there wasn’t another way. They knew there wasn’t another way. But they hoped, they prayed, but most of all, they feared. That they too were like her, that they too were only prolonging their agony. It wasn’t always like this. I promise you it wasn’t always like this. There use to be laughter and harmony, absolute and unfathomable harmony. They wanted that back. They needed that back. So she had to die today.
She heard it. She heard his foot upon the snow. Lifting herself from the ground with great ease, for she no longer hurt, she turned to him, all the anger in the world directed at him. He—with handsome red eyes and blond hair—he was the reason she would die today.
“I am not sure if you are the most reckless girl I have ever met or the wisest.” His soft, gentle voice rang out—his voice never much higher than a whisper. It was a deceiving voice. It was the voice of a friend, a brother, a father; it was a voice of someone who cared.
“This you won’t win. Haven’t you heard? Light always wins. You scare and you terrify, but in the end light always wins. So you are the most reckless man I have ever met, for trying to do the same thing so many others have tried and failed to do,” she told him through her own tears.
He simply circled her before speaking again. “Now who liedto you, my dear? There is no such thing as failure. I have simply discovered ways that did not work.”
She looked forward, not speaking to the man behind her. There was no point wasting the few precious breaths she had left. Her tears flowed from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks like miniature waterfalls. He was the reason she would die today.
“How tragic it is that you will not be alive for me to impart such a lesson upon you.” That was the last thing she heard before the darkness came. She hoped; she truly hoped she did not die today for nothing.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Patty Maximini's 'Exception' Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Title: Exception
Author: Patty Maximini
Expected release:  October 24, 2013
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Cover designed by: Okay Creations
Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours
Book Description:
With her life packed in boxes in the back of a U-Haul truck and a promise to her sister, Charlotte, that she’d find a way to let go and be happy, Emily crossed the country to escape the haunting memories of her past.
As she settles into her new life, Emily holds true to her promise and begins to open her walls to those around her and overtime, she selectively begins to trust again.However, some wounds are too great to overcome, and between her recurring nightmares and her fear of even the slightest physical contact, she wonders if she will ever heal completely.
In walks Taylor, a handsome out of towner, with his own past to overcome. Against all odds, an undeniable special friendship forms almost instantly between the two. Not minding his company or touch, Emily is jolted into realization that he is her healing, her strength, her protection and her escape from her daunting past.
He is her exception.
About the Author:

I’m Patty, and words have always been a passion of mine. I’ve always loved to read them, write them and learn them in other languages. Last year, I’ve decided to take that passion and turn it into a book, the result was Exception, my very first novel due this October.
Whenever I’m not sitting behind my computer, I’m either enjoying the company of my dear hubby, Alex, and our four four-legged babies or reading. I’m a firm believer in long hand written letters, love of any kind and good stories.
Author social media links:
Twitter @pattymaximini;

Marquita Valentine's 'Only For You' Cover Reveal

Title: Only For You (Boys of the South ~ Book 2)
Author: Marquita Valentine
Expected release: September 2, 2013
Genre: Contemporary
Age Group: New Adult
Cover designed by: Marquita Valentine
Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours
Book Description:
Loose ends left loose for too long tend to strangle.
Cole and Violet knew it wouldn’t be easy. They knew their relationship would take work. But when the press finds out about Violet Lynn’s newest boyfriend, they start digging.  And when his past come to light, exposing all of his family’s secrets, their relationship begins to fray.
Country Music’s Golden Boy, Jaxon Hunter, has it all, except the girl that got away. What she saw, she reallydidn’t. What she thought happened, he allowed her to believe for reasons so insane that no one would everhave believed him if he had confessed. But now that everything’s out in the open, he’s going to do his damndest to convince her that he’s the only one for her.
Now Violet must choose between Jaxon— her first love and the guy she thought had cheated on her—and Cole—the guy who helped her heal and love again.
Or will one of them make the decision for her?
About the Author:

New York Times Bestselling Author, MarquitaValentine, writes sexy heroes that make you swoon and sassy heroines that make you laugh. She’s the author of the bestselling contemporary romance series, Holland Springs, and the new adult romance series, Boys of the South.
Marquita met her husband aka Hot Builder at Sonic when they were in high school. She suggests this location to all of her single friends in search of a good man—and if that doesn't work, they can console themselves with cheesy tatertots. She lives in North Carolina in a very, very small town with Hot Builder and their two children.
Author social media links:

Zoe Dawson's 'A Perfect Mess' Cover Reveal

Title:  A Perfect Mess (A Perfect Secret, #1)
Author:  Zoe Dawson
Genre: Mystery
Age Group: New Adult/Adult
Cover designed by: Okay Creations
Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours
Expected release: June 17, 2013
Book Description:  
I know what you did last summer.

Aubree Walker, the perfect girl most likely to succeed, is sure there’s only one person who knows what she did.

Booker Outlaw, one of the three Outlaw brothers—all identical, all gorgeous, all from the wrong side of the tracks, and all pure bad boys. He was always the unpredictable one, the one who would be brash enough to make it big self-publishing horror novels on the internet. He promised never to tell, but everyone knows you can never trust an Outlaw.

Then a year later, in the middle of the night, she receives a phone call at Tulane. Her aunt, who took her in after her mother’s death, has passed away under suspicious circumstances. Now she has to face that one person who knows all about what she did that summer—sexy Booker. 

Returning to Hope Parish to lay her beloved aunt to rest, stirs up all those ugly memories. When Aubreestarts getting threats, she can’t help but wonder if what she did last summer was tied to her aunt’s death. Afraid, she turns to the only person who knows the truth and Booker doesn’t hesitate to offer his broad shoulder for her to lean on. But Booker has a secret of his own that could crush their fledgling relationship.

As the hot, sultry summer days move on, she finds that even a perfectly smart girl can lose her heart to a perfectly bad boy. What is she going to do when someone starts asking questions Aubree doesn’t want to answer? She’s knee deep into a terribly dangerous, wholly life changing, who-can-she-really-depend-on perfect mess.

A Perfect Secret Series: Three perfect girls, three perfect secrets, one unholy trinity
About the Author:
Zoe Dawson is the alter ego of Karen Anders, award winning, multi-published author. Her writing journey started with poetry and branched out into fiction. With a couple of college English courses under her belt, she penned a historical, then moved onto contemporary romance fiction. Today, she is happy producing romantic suspense, romantic comedy/mystery, new adult, and urban fantasy. The words feed her soul and the happily ever afters feed her heart.